One of the most iconic cartoon crews of all time, Looney Tunes, has teamed up once again with the Stussy tribe on a collection exclusively for the kids. Although Stussy Kids has been making regular appearances in Japan, this is the first global kids project.
As part of this collection, Stussy incorporated classic Looney Tunes characters such as Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Sylvester, Tweety, the Tasmanian Devil, Marvin the Martian, Foghorn Leghorn and Yosemite Sam on a series of graphic tees featuring the cartoon legends mixed with classic Stussy iconography.
The Stussy Kids x Looney Tunes collection is available in the following sizes: Toddlers 2t – 6t; and Boys S – XL. Check out the collection at and Stussy Chapter stores worldwide now.
More photos after the jump…